Group: Models
Method: Playful Models
Description of Method:
Not all models need to be to scale and precise. In fact some of the most engaging and creative models are made of unexpected and playful materials. Making models can be a messy and fun process using anything to hand such as junk materials, textiles, building waste...or cake!
Purpose of Method:
Within public engagement we often see models that are produced by professionals to illustrate a proposed scheme and invite feedback. However, in Urban Room practice we often use models as active tools to engage people more directly - to prompt discussion, to share ideas and to raise aspirations for a place. Playful modelling breaks down conventional barriers and invites people to explore their place and its future in 3D.
Suitable Audience:
Modelmaking is engaging for many people of all ages. Since some people may lack confidence in their modelling skills you should aim to create a supportive, informal environment with a broad range of media and techniques available for people to try out, with encouragement from facilitators/artists.
Portland Works Live Project
Credit: University of Sheffield
Portland Works
Here are two models of Portland Works in Sheffield, one is to scale and very precisely made from laser- cut timber, the other is made of cake!
Group: Models
Method: Playful Models
Description of Method:
Not all models need to be to scale and precise. In fact some of the most engaging and creative models are made of unexpected and playful materials. Making models can be a messy and fun process using anything to hand such as junk materials, textiles, building waste...or cake!
Purpose of Method:
Within public engagement we often see models that are produced by professionals to illustrate a proposed scheme and invite feedback. However, in Urban Room practice we often use models as active tools to engage people more directly - to prompt discussion, to share ideas and to raise aspirations for a place. Playful modelling breaks down conventional barriers and invites people to explore their place and its future in 3D.
Suitable Audience:
Modelmaking is engaging for many people of all ages. Since some people may lack confidence in their modelling skills you should aim to create a supportive, informal environment with a broad range of media and techniques available for people to try out, with encouragement from facilitators/artists.
Portland Works Live Project
Credit: University of Sheffield
Portland Works
Here are two models of Portland Works in Sheffield, one is to scale and very precisely made from laser- cut timber, the other is made of cake!